Every human being must answer either a “yes” or a “no” to life’s most basic question! We cannot avoid eventually answering it. Denial of the need to answer is either the same as a “no” answer, or denial of reality which is another form of “no”. We each have the human dignity and freedom to be utterly free to choose how we answer, and, to own the consequences. We are free to test, and even change, our answer based on personal experience and evidence – but, answer the question we must. This question is the starting point for a web of countless subsequent conclusions which accumulate into a personal “worldview”. Refusal to answer merely postpones the starting point! “Does God exist? … yes, or no?” That question is fundamental to all “philosophy”. Philosophy literally means “love of wisdom”.
Even an agnostic who claims to believe this question’s answer may not be “knowable” must deal with related subsequent questions, such as:
- What do I want? (as opposed to does God want?)
- How do I decide right from wrong (universal wisdom); and
- Who cares? (as opposed to trying to please the “Supreme Judge” of the Declaration of Independence.)
Human death before considerations of these questions seems tragic (i.e. a child or young adult); however, being in denial of the questions is more tragic and foolish!
“We the People” (the sovereigns in our government) consist of everyone – those who have answered “yes” as well as those who have answered “no”. The ratio between the two groups is determined solely by the electorate. Our resulting “national worldview” is the consequence of time plus the decisions of our elected politicians! America and our Constitution simply cannot be understood or fully appreciated without comprehending the impact of philosophy and religion. Contrary to foolish, yet popular opinion, the founders anticipated America to be governed with a majority consensus among those who have answered “Yes” to life’s most basic question! The presumed truth wins so long as free choice flows rationally from a belief in God! Ben Franklin may have been pondering this when he quipped, “It’s a Republic, if you can keep it”. (emphasis mine) Even a cursory look at history reveals the republic being solidly based on God-given (natural) human rights and responsibilities. Our laws (standards) are based on ancient Asian, Judeo-Christian laws tested throughout recorded history. Moral absolutes did not originate with our country and our founders certainly did not intend for absolute standards to start “evolving” later! Proponents of a “living constitution” are simply denying our undeniable foundation in faith.
For more thoughts on our national standards, check out some past editorials:
- Intrigue of Law (July 2018): https://weskeller.com/the-intrigue-of-law/
- Government Theory (January 2018): https://weskeller.com/government-theory/
- Law Career (Delight in the Law – August 2017): https://weskeller.com/delight-in-the-law/
Our “rule of law” works because of our high regard for the standard (“nature’s law” or common law). Because of our “freedom of religion”, nobody in America is forced to believe any particular doctrine or sect, and, nor can belief in God cannot be mandated! But, our constitution becomes meaningless if the majority truly rejects belief in God. Our American commitment to government neutrality on religion (“secularism”) is intended to respect the free, autonomous choice of every citizen, trusting the majority to make the right, rational, choices. There is a presumed, inescapable link between the “state of our nation” and the “state of our citizen’s faith”.
Yes, the founders understood the options and knew our nation could only prosper if God-fearing people were making and enforcing the laws. If you want evidence, spend some time checking out one of the largest collections of America’s historical documents, including founders’ letters and notes. Go to https://wallbuilders.com/library-2/ and explore the online library. I have been in Dallas, Texas, and seen the tens of thousands of documents and find myself troubled by society’s ignorance of this history!
As an addendum to this editorial, and on a personal note: Anyone who decides God exists and then open-mindedly tries to figure out what He wants, will eventually have to deal with the claims of Jesus Christ. In my opinion, you will save yourself a lot of time and trouble by starting with Him as He is revealed in any of dozens of translations of the Holy Bible! Again, you alone “own” the benefits and consequences of your religious conclusions … it is honorable, and non-judgmental, for others to care about your conclusions. In America, we all have a vested interest in one another’s conclusions. Your worldview directly impacts your voting choices which, in turn, directly impact me, my family, justice, and government – just as my voting choices directly impact you, your family, justice, and government. Great damage is being done by those who wrongly insist freedom OF religion (philosophy), authorizes secularism as the exclusive, authorized religion (philosophy) of America.
This was also submitted as an article to The People’s Paper.